8400 Gregory Way
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: 310.285.6830
A pet extravaganza for dogs and their owners, presented by the city of Beverly Hills featuring a pet talent show, Centennial-themed pet adoptions, entertainment, food trucks, and fun for the entire family.
- Pet adoptions/rescues hosted by Pets 90210
- 35+ pet-related vendors
- Food trucks
- Pet Parade (registration required)
- Pet & people face and body painting (nominal charge)
- Live entertainment for pets and people
- Free parking at Beverly Hills High School with pet-friendly shuttles to the park
- Local veterinarians on-site
- Pet Emergency preparedness information
Dogs must be current on all necessary vaccinations.
La Cienega Park (Wiggly Field East)
8400 Gregory Way
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Related Events
Beverly Hills Farmers' Market
9300 block of Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: (310) 285-6830