Stroll Through Beverly Hills

In the heart of Southern California, a day in Beverly Hills unfolds like a story, where every step leads to new adventures and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

With ample parking, including a variety of free two-hour lots throughout the city, plus stops for Starline’s Hop-On-Hop-Off tours, Beverly Hills makes it easy to visit and explore. Begin by parking at a city parking garage, such as the one at 450 North Rexford Drive or the private lot at Two Rodeo Drive, both of which offer two free hours of parking between 7 A.M. and 6 P.M., and famous Rodeo Drive is just steps away. Find more parking options.

Strolling the streets of Beverly Hills gives everyone the opportunity to experience world-famous brands up close and also allows visitors and locals alike to soak up luxury in the iconic destination.

Discover the amazing stores in Beverly Hills and plan your own walking tour today.

Updated: December 19, 2023.